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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools

OpenGL for Solaris

Portable Graphics Inc

OPENGL FOR SPARCSTATION SYSTEMS OpenGL From Portable Graphics...OpenGL is a conformance-compliant implementation of OpenGL that fullyexploits the speed and graphics capability offered by SPARCstationsystems. Moving OpenGL applications to the OpenGL/Sun environment is aseasy as recompiling the source code. OpenGL is also a powerfulprogramming interface for developing new 2-D and 3-D graphicsapplications. Moreover, OpenGL complements NPGL (Portable Graphics' IRISGL 4.0-compatible library for non-SGI workstations) giving you theconvenience of running IRIS GL and OpenGL applications on the samesystem.POWERFUL GRAPHICS ENVIRONMENTLike NPGL, OpenGL provides a wide range of graphics capabilities:geometric and raster primitives, RGBA or color index mode, display listor immediate mode, viewing and modeling transformations, lighting andshading, hidden surface removal, alpha blending, anti-aliasing, texturemapping, atmospheric effects, feedback and selection, stencil planes, andaccumulation buffer. OpenGL complies with the OpenGL ArchitecturalReview Board (ARB) conformance tests.OPTIMIZED FOR SUNOpenGL takes full advantage of the speed and graphics capability offeredby the Sun graphics environment. Using Sun's XGL graphics interface,OpenGL gains transparent access to the power of Sun and third-partygraphics adapters. To produce the greatest possible speed and efficiencyon SPARCstation systems, OpenGL uses the same highly refined technologydeveloped by Portable Graphics for NPGL.INTEROPERABILITYThe model for the interpretation of OpenGL commands is client-server.The client application issues commands, which are interpreted andprocessed by a local or remote OpenGL server. OpenGL fully supports GLXinteroperability for consistent client-server communication with otherOpenGL implementations across an X11 network.PERFORMANCE OPTIONSPortable Graphics offers software developers a way to further boostperformance. Applications that run locally may be faster using directrendering, which bypasses the GLX protocol.IN-SYNC WITH SUN & THE OPENGL ARBAs an SMCC Catalyst Strategic Developer and a SunSoft Strategic Vendorwith active participation in the Open Graphics Initiative, PortableGraphics works closely with SMCC, SunSoft and third-party hardwaredevelopers to ensure that OpenGL supports the latest windowingenvironments and graphics accelerators. Portable Graphics alsoparticipates with the OpenGL Advisory Forum, a group of licensees whoinfluence and observe the actions of the ARB.PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO FIT YOUR NEEDSPortable Graphics provides commercial and educational pricing for OpenGLDevelopment and Run-Time Licenses, maintains a Porting Center in Austin,Texas, and provides consulting services.OpenGL from Portable Graphics supports Solaris 2.3, or greater, on allSun adapters at accelerated speeds.MINIMUM SPARCSTATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSFor more information about OpenGL for Sun, please contact your PortableGraphics sales representative at 512-719-8 or send e-mail

Language: FORTRAN, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3,2.4

Portable Graphics Inc
3006 Longhorn Bl Ste 105
Austin, TX 78758
Phone: (512) 719-8000
Fax: (512) 832-0752